Daisy Hollow Farm
Breathe deeply Eat simply Live freely

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Poultry, Pork, and Lamb
At Daisy Hollow Farm we raise both laying hens for eggs, and broiler chickens for meat, as well as turkeys for Thanksgiving. All are raised on natural feeds, with free access to indoor and outdoor areas. We can't free range them because chickens are destroyers of gardens and we have LOTS of gardens. They have plenty of room in their space so they keep out of the gardens. Also, we need to protect our hens from the many nearby predators: fox, weasel, and hawk.
The laying hens are a mix of Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, Americana, Columbian Rocks, and more! They are raised on all natural feed, but we are not certified organic. We have eggs available year round. At certain times of the year, we also sell our eggs at The Local Food Market in Cortland, NY.
Eggs are $4.00/dozen.
The broiler chickens are a mix of Freedom Rangers and Red Rangers. These are strong, durable birds and I've been very happy with their growth rate and the meat is delicious. Available as whole frozen roasters throughout the year at our store, they are raised on either Keystone Natural Broiler Feed or Nature's Trail Organic Starter feed, but we are not certified organic. These feeds have no added hormones or medications.
Whole frozen chickens: $5.50/pound
Whole frozen turkeys: $8.00/pound - click here for more info
Pork: Our pigs are raised on a diet of Keystone Natural and/or Nature's Trail Organic Feeds, garden vegetables, and compost from The Local Food Market in Cortland, NY. The pork is fresh and delicious. Our bacon and ham steaks are hickory smoked at Leona Meats with no nitrites/nitrates. See price list below:
Daisy Hollow Farm Pork Prices (price per pound) - call first to check what we have in stock.
Bacon $11.99
Ground Pork $ 7.49
Pork Steak $ 8.99
Pork Chop $ 9.49
Smoked Ham Steak $10.49
Butt Roast $ 8.99
Spare Ribs $ 8.49
Loin Roast $11.99
Liver $ 3.99
Heart $ 4.99
Smoked Ham Hock $ 3.99
Lamb: Pasture-raised on a local farm (price per pound) - SOLD OUT
Shoulder Chop $12.40
Loin Chop $16.99
Rib Chop $16.99
Chuck Roast $12.95
Leg $14.99
Shank $12.40
Ground $12.95
Stew Meat $13.99
Spare Ribs $13.99
Sirloin Chop $16.99
Call (607)423-6827 or email to order or for more information.
Laying hens:

Freedom Rangers: